dimanche, mars 20, 2005

Describe yourself using one band and song titles from that band

Created by naw5689 and taken 22591 times on bzoink!

Choose a band/artist and answer only in song TITLES by that band:Blur
Are you male or female:Girls and Boys
Describe yourself:Far Out
How do some people feel about you:She's so High
How do you feel about yourself:There's No Other Way
Describe your ex girlfriend/boyfriend:Charmless Man
Describe your current girlfriend/boyfriend:On Your Own
Describe where you want to be:Moroccan Peoples Revolutionary Bowls Club
Describe what you want to be:The Universal
Describe how you live:For Tomorrow
Describe how you love:Out of Time
Share a few words of wisdomCoffee & TV / We've Got a File on You

Create a Survey | Search Surveys | Go to bzoink!

dimanche, mars 13, 2005

Tears for Mug

My grandmother just broke my favourite mug. My Cafe Americana mug. She broke it. It no longer has a handle. I don't know whether super glue will be able to fix this.

I told her to leave it alone, that I would come back and clean it in a few minutes (I hand wash my mugs), but no. She simply had to grab it and clean it for me. I knew she would break it eventually.

I am so upset right now. I know this may seem silly to a lot of people, but I actually cried over this. My favourite mug-- that mug has been such a consolation so so so very many times. RIP Cafe Americana mug-- even if I can no longer use you, I will keep your fragments.

I can't believe she broke my mug. My coffee mug. :(

mardi, mars 01, 2005

...nunc et in hora mortis nostrae

Currently listening to: Javier Busto - "Ave Maria"

when release presents itself in the most striking of manners
when the restrained view encompasses 360 degrees
when the soul takes height and vows to never renounce it
when one single legato pedal point deletes all salient and trivial flaws

sometimes I think it's over and
then I realize it's only begun

so I sigh and smile.