samedi, février 24, 2007

la faux-ledder

Currently listening to: the relative quiet one can expect to encounter in the stairway of the library on an early Saturday morning

water under fire
former forms of forming form
cannot unravel


lundi, février 05, 2007

iting in disorder

Currently listening to: Trema - "Les idées rares"

"In this world even flowers cry
but some fools still believe it's dew."
[Anonymous, Q.M.]

But! In this world those tears aren't always entirely comprised of sorrow-molecules. I saw fireworks and lightning, and, what do you know? Look:

[thanks to NASA's Astronomy Picture of the Day website]

Kinda made me frown with ridiculous joy. All sorts of sorts have been zipping by unexpectedly like multicolored! sweeping by the unsuspectingly lacking zinker.
Sometimes I wonder about how one goes about listening to folks and the self, and how one goes about ignoring, and why one goes about listening and ignoring. B'cause you've got to listen to some things, but you must listen selectively in the general scope of things: you don't mean to tell me you can handle the sound of tearing styrofoam?

The other night I was considering God and the universe and all the rest of them, and it dawned on me, for the first time, perhaps, that...

perhaps, sometimes, on a few select occasions, it happens.
People really do want to listen, completely, to everything.

I still wonder whether a how resides therein, but?
As long as there's some place to start hoping-- that's plenty.