Mean cats, good concerts, and things like confusion...
Sector A: Mean Cats
Asia is terrified. And she doesn't like me.
Last night, mom went to pick up Asia. She brought her home, and while she was still in the cage, she saw Shah and started freaking out. She started hissing and growling and bouncing madly in attempt to kill him. Therefore, not knowing what to do about it, we put her in the art studio by the garage overnight. Shah was terrified and insisted on spending the night with me with the door closed. Poor baby.
So, then, this morning I woke up at about 11.30 when my mother called, asking me to deal with the issue. I locked Shah in my room and went downstairs to let Asia out. She was terrified and hissing at me more than ever. I was very scared, too. I called Emily and spoke to Ms. Kim and Em about it all. That was a bit comforting.
So, yeah, I spent the rest of my day pretty much trying to avoid the cat so as to keep my flesh, unable to get anything done out of fear I'd freak her out even more.
She's a bit stupid, too. She managed to hurt herself quite a few times, and it was actually pretty funny. There is no accessing anything one needs without her fussing about it. I'm starting to be really irritated. I think she's bipolar; one moment, she's relaxed and observative and adorable-- the next, she's hissing her throat off. This being a crazy set of months that's approaching, it's a really bad time to have to deal with cat drama...
Sector B: Good Concerts
The Mercer concert tonight was very good. Northgate's men choir performed first, and they did pretty well. I liked the second piece they sang.
We did all right, but at one point during "Cantate Domino" poor Neris got really excited, I guess, and sang to prominence; Ms. B.'s mouthing to him that he had been entirely too loud throughout the entire piece seemed to put him in a disappointed/ ill mood. I think we went a little sharp on "O Waly Waly", but my mom didn't think so.
Ms. B. totally foot-in-the-mouthed herself. She was talking about two of her prior students who were currently in the Mercer choir and how proud of them she was, and at one point she said something like, "I really didn't want them to go to Mercer- sorry," and went on babbling. Initially, it seemed as though she were implying that Mercer weren't a good enough school, and later, it seemed as though she were implying that her two students weren't talented enough to go to Mercer... All in all, I was left with a big question mark in my head and never quite understood what on Earth she was attempting to convey. She probably should have never said any of it. Hehe.
B and I actually had a good, ten minute conversation before the concert. She sat beside me for a while, and we talked about choral music and the illegal processes I must go through to find the good stuff (downloading-- and I gave her some tips on searching, too-- is that bad?) as well as how odd it was that I'm almost a senior and almost graduating. That lead on to a college and career discussion; that was likely the most shocking part of the conversation. She said that she thought I could do everything I listed (you likely know the list by now, and it's kind of long and backwards as I'm that way), and she said she'd give me a list of good music schools and good people to contact. Besides all this, she thanked me for being on time. =.P
The Mercer Singers were awesome. They sang some really awesome stuff, and I knew most of it. I almost jumped off my seat over "Daemon Irrepit Collidus", which is a totally awesome, awesome, awesome, cool Latin intriguing piece. They also sang "Sing Me to Heaven", which was a pretty-- an uber-pretty. They sang other lotsa good stuff, and they closed with a hilarious Mercer arrangement of THAT song (I really cannot think of the title, but it's a traditional).
Good concert. I shouldn't have been so skeptical about it to begin with, but it was good, indeed. It was certainly a marvelous break from the cat drama.
Sector C : And Things like Confusion
B puzzles me. The cat befuddles me. My life confuses me beyond belief.
I'm kinda sleepy, but I likely need to at least clean my room, or something, as I promised mum I'd go watch The Passion of the Christ with her tomorrow. It surprises me that she wants to see it. I hope it will speak to her.
I hope it will speak to me, too, as I'm still in that Christian down that I've been in... for a long time now.
Furthermore, we had only instant coffee today. No coffee for me today. Had to have Chai instead. =-(
And I think I've gained weight.
Maybe this should be "Gatton" instead:
by Red Hot Chili Peppers
Cabron cabron
Cabron cabron
I see you in the park
You're always wearing
Dodger blue
Mad doggin' me and
Anyone from any other crew
I am small but I am strong
I'll get it on with you
If you want me to
What else can I do
Everyone would take a cue
From anything you do
If you want them to
What else can they do
I don't want to fight
I want to get along with you
This time of night's
For singin' songs
About the local news
Cabron cabron
Cabron cabron
I'll come around and make peace
Get down have a barbecue
Let's keep the moon awake
And do electric boogiloo
I am small but I am strong
You see I'm just like you
If you only knew
That I'm just like you
All the world would
Take a cue from
Anything you do
If you only knew
That they're just like you
I don't want to fight
I want to get along with you
This time of night's
For singin' songs
About the local news
If you want me to
What else can I do
Cause i'm just like you
If you only knew
Asia is terrified. And she doesn't like me.
Last night, mom went to pick up Asia. She brought her home, and while she was still in the cage, she saw Shah and started freaking out. She started hissing and growling and bouncing madly in attempt to kill him. Therefore, not knowing what to do about it, we put her in the art studio by the garage overnight. Shah was terrified and insisted on spending the night with me with the door closed. Poor baby.
So, then, this morning I woke up at about 11.30 when my mother called, asking me to deal with the issue. I locked Shah in my room and went downstairs to let Asia out. She was terrified and hissing at me more than ever. I was very scared, too. I called Emily and spoke to Ms. Kim and Em about it all. That was a bit comforting.
So, yeah, I spent the rest of my day pretty much trying to avoid the cat so as to keep my flesh, unable to get anything done out of fear I'd freak her out even more.
She's a bit stupid, too. She managed to hurt herself quite a few times, and it was actually pretty funny. There is no accessing anything one needs without her fussing about it. I'm starting to be really irritated. I think she's bipolar; one moment, she's relaxed and observative and adorable-- the next, she's hissing her throat off. This being a crazy set of months that's approaching, it's a really bad time to have to deal with cat drama...
Sector B: Good Concerts
The Mercer concert tonight was very good. Northgate's men choir performed first, and they did pretty well. I liked the second piece they sang.
We did all right, but at one point during "Cantate Domino" poor Neris got really excited, I guess, and sang to prominence; Ms. B.'s mouthing to him that he had been entirely too loud throughout the entire piece seemed to put him in a disappointed/ ill mood. I think we went a little sharp on "O Waly Waly", but my mom didn't think so.
Ms. B. totally foot-in-the-mouthed herself. She was talking about two of her prior students who were currently in the Mercer choir and how proud of them she was, and at one point she said something like, "I really didn't want them to go to Mercer- sorry," and went on babbling. Initially, it seemed as though she were implying that Mercer weren't a good enough school, and later, it seemed as though she were implying that her two students weren't talented enough to go to Mercer... All in all, I was left with a big question mark in my head and never quite understood what on Earth she was attempting to convey. She probably should have never said any of it. Hehe.
B and I actually had a good, ten minute conversation before the concert. She sat beside me for a while, and we talked about choral music and the illegal processes I must go through to find the good stuff (downloading-- and I gave her some tips on searching, too-- is that bad?) as well as how odd it was that I'm almost a senior and almost graduating. That lead on to a college and career discussion; that was likely the most shocking part of the conversation. She said that she thought I could do everything I listed (you likely know the list by now, and it's kind of long and backwards as I'm that way), and she said she'd give me a list of good music schools and good people to contact. Besides all this, she thanked me for being on time. =.P
The Mercer Singers were awesome. They sang some really awesome stuff, and I knew most of it. I almost jumped off my seat over "Daemon Irrepit Collidus", which is a totally awesome, awesome, awesome, cool Latin intriguing piece. They also sang "Sing Me to Heaven", which was a pretty-- an uber-pretty. They sang other lotsa good stuff, and they closed with a hilarious Mercer arrangement of THAT song (I really cannot think of the title, but it's a traditional).
Good concert. I shouldn't have been so skeptical about it to begin with, but it was good, indeed. It was certainly a marvelous break from the cat drama.
Sector C : And Things like Confusion
B puzzles me. The cat befuddles me. My life confuses me beyond belief.
I'm kinda sleepy, but I likely need to at least clean my room, or something, as I promised mum I'd go watch The Passion of the Christ with her tomorrow. It surprises me that she wants to see it. I hope it will speak to her.
I hope it will speak to me, too, as I'm still in that Christian down that I've been in... for a long time now.
Furthermore, we had only instant coffee today. No coffee for me today. Had to have Chai instead. =-(
And I think I've gained weight.
Maybe this should be "Gatton" instead:
by Red Hot Chili Peppers
Cabron cabron
Cabron cabron
I see you in the park
You're always wearing
Dodger blue
Mad doggin' me and
Anyone from any other crew
I am small but I am strong
I'll get it on with you
If you want me to
What else can I do
Everyone would take a cue
From anything you do
If you want them to
What else can they do
I don't want to fight
I want to get along with you
This time of night's
For singin' songs
About the local news
Cabron cabron
Cabron cabron
I'll come around and make peace
Get down have a barbecue
Let's keep the moon awake
And do electric boogiloo
I am small but I am strong
You see I'm just like you
If you only knew
That I'm just like you
All the world would
Take a cue from
Anything you do
If you only knew
That they're just like you
I don't want to fight
I want to get along with you
This time of night's
For singin' songs
About the local news
If you want me to
What else can I do
Cause i'm just like you
If you only knew