dimanche, juin 13, 2004

Current mood: a hybrid of apathy and weariness
Currently listening to: Samuele Bersani - "Giudizi Universali"

"Potrei ma non voglio fidarmi di te, io non ti conosco e infondo non c'è
In quello che dici qualcosa che pensi, sei solo la copia di mille riassunti
Leggera leggera si bagna la fiamma, rimane la cera e non ci sei più"

"I could, but I don't want to trust you- I don't know you, and after all there isn't a thing you think in what you say. You're only a copy of a thousand summaries
Lightly, the flame is wet- the wax is left over, and you're no longer there"

Aren't we all copies of a thousand summaries anyway?