samedi, août 07, 2004

(insert lame title)

(first subject)
Personal Crap:

What is your name- it really depends on who you are
What is your quest- to get the crap out of NHS, currently. And get into college. And take over the world.
How many fingers am I holding up- none because you're a dirty cheater that thinks he can trick me into believing he is holding up any fingers!!!
What is your shoe size in the Japanese scale- 42, for my Italian one is also that #
Have you ever gotten your foot stuck somewhere- more times than you can fathom

(another subject)
Tree- weeping willow
Breakfast food- coffee and Pan di Stelle (go to Italy and find out)
Russian made fighter aircraft- just because you're Russian doesn't mean I'm Russian, you Russian!
Color- bluuuuuuuuuue!! blue blue blue!!! Virtually all shades and tints, at that.
Garden plant as a food (vegetables don't count)- honeysuckle?
Way to eat a reeses thingy- I don't like those things
Weapon of mass destruction- my cannonballs?

(another subject)
I Would Date: (yes or no, comments welcome)
An off ramp bum- nah
A cheezit- of course not, I'd eat it!
Saddam Hussein- he's far too ugly for me
Someone you met at the landfill- er, I suppose that one shouldn't judge a person by his/her location
Any farm animal- Ian, you're sick!
Someone you simply know as "hey you!"- very likely not

(another topic)
Do you belive in the omnipotence of the Egg Salad Sandwich- no, but I would more than gladly eat it! I'm so hungry!
Would you ever join a cult based on aforementioned Sandwich- no, but if they offered me many such sandwiches I bet I'd eat them all!
Would you drink koolaid with that sandwich- yesh!
Do you wonder what Egg Salad Sandwiches have to do with religion- I think Egg Salad Sandwiches should accompany all sermons. I think it is always a good thing when someone feeds me.

2 scoowamples>

Anonymous Anonyme cried,

That's the best quiz EVER! Too bad you couldn't post the whole thing. That'd have been awesome.


août 10, 2004 9:43 PM  
Blogger Francesca cried,

It IS still awesome that I did part of it, isn't it?! Gee golly, can you never be happy?! :-P

août 11, 2004 9:24 PM  

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