Okay, okay, I give up...
Current mood: pensive
Currently listening to: Tori Amos - "Silent All These Years"
I'm a hopeless blogger. I couldn't resist a blogrant. Sorry.
You know, thinking can be relatively overrated. Or underrated. Don't ask me to explain that. However, I was looking at the clouds the other day-- yeah, that day that there were still clouds, and they are likely the most creative things here. They have absolutely no problem playing. Playing around, that is. In fact, they do absolutely nothing but playing around.
So, I have decided that clouds are my new role models. No, they don't fool around! Don't dare think that's what I meant. They just play around, but they are in the serious business of existing and existing beautifully in the process. They're just ignored by most, 's all.
And then I tried to recall the name of the other category of clouds. Sratus, cumulus... Ah!
It's cirrus! It took me two months to figure that out. Why I didn't look it up, I don't know, but I suppose a lot of the things I do have absolutely no logic behind them.
Yeah, so cirrus.
I met an Italian fellow. He sold me postcards. He somehow knew.
We talked about clouds. If you stand or sit upside down on land they look like they do from inside a plane. That's about right, you know. More or less.
So, from now on, let's all be clouds. And if you don't want to be a cloud, that is a-okay, buddy. I will be fine making my own desperate attempts to be a cloud, and if you change your mind, you can join me later if you, too, know.
A w, b u t I w a s a l m o s t a c l o u d . . .

Currently listening to: Tori Amos - "Silent All These Years"
I'm a hopeless blogger. I couldn't resist a blogrant. Sorry.
You know, thinking can be relatively overrated. Or underrated. Don't ask me to explain that. However, I was looking at the clouds the other day-- yeah, that day that there were still clouds, and they are likely the most creative things here. They have absolutely no problem playing. Playing around, that is. In fact, they do absolutely nothing but playing around.
So, I have decided that clouds are my new role models. No, they don't fool around! Don't dare think that's what I meant. They just play around, but they are in the serious business of existing and existing beautifully in the process. They're just ignored by most, 's all.
And then I tried to recall the name of the other category of clouds. Sratus, cumulus... Ah!
It's cirrus! It took me two months to figure that out. Why I didn't look it up, I don't know, but I suppose a lot of the things I do have absolutely no logic behind them.
Yeah, so cirrus.
I met an Italian fellow. He sold me postcards. He somehow knew.
We talked about clouds. If you stand or sit upside down on land they look like they do from inside a plane. That's about right, you know. More or less.
So, from now on, let's all be clouds. And if you don't want to be a cloud, that is a-okay, buddy. I will be fine making my own desperate attempts to be a cloud, and if you change your mind, you can join me later if you, too, know.
A w, b u t I w a s a l m o s t a c l o u d . . .