Currently listening to: Jack Johnson - "Gone"
The past few weeks have been insane amounts of fun-- to infinity and beyond, precisely.
On July 14th at 11-something-pm I played the lottery. Mega Millions, to be specific. Not one of my numerical choices brought in any sort of revenue although there was perfectly excellent logic behind each and every selection: 7 as en extensive representation for the month of July, 11 for my favourite number, 14 to minutely exhalt a most excellent day, 33 for the inescapable attractiveness the number possesses, 42 because it's the Answer to Life, the Universe, and Everything, and 23 because 'nobody likes you when you're 23.' Go figure-- Chance doesn't follow my superior line of thought far too often.
My birthday was tons of fun and things to infinity and beyond, and I now officially have a totally direct claim to Batman's offered protection! The whole day involved all sorts of simple fun crazies and so much chocolate I can't believe it all wasn't regurgitated (oh, the poetry)!
I spent a wonderful week at the beach down at Jekyll with the infamous Myra (bwahaha?)-- a deeply refreshing spiritual journey: I learned to juggle and play chess. And it's nice to have regained some sort of melanin function, anyhow!
I have pictures. Pictures you may even see if I ever post them!
Otherwise, I am stressed out as per usual because there is too much to do before August 24, move-in day at Reed. I am exploding with excitement and intensely... tense. It should be a very fascinating month full of uncanny occurrances!
But paperwork and more of the wondrous Potter story await me, so thence I go!
Speaking of potters, last night some guy who pulled up at the drive-through while I was working was so stoned it frightened me. I suppressed a vehement need to say, "He-ey, how's life on the other side, dearest?" and wound up processing his order at turbo speed to get him the heck away from me.
It's been an interesting life.
Mawk- This is completely irrelevant- but I do not like AWAD! M-W is so much better!!