mercredi, juillet 05, 2006

the real problem that was la clenche

Currently listening to: the even beat of the mellower portion of a Georgia thunderstorm-- when the worst is over but the remnants stay strong

a little old woman-girl sought attention
seek and want
but do not need

not attention.
understanding, maybe? understanding of the eeeeen-fathomable, for the unfathomable was already under control.

because she truly has hit an all-time low, my friends: she speaks to blenders
as though they were little girls on pink ponies
that tapped her calls.

the big girl tapped the calls; the big girl told her
the big girl had sought attention, many years before. she done got whack crazy back in them days,
she done continued the craziness
she done perpetuated it
through four hundred people and two birds, and the
left cerebral hemisphere of a cat.

the attention, we all seek it;
we all seek it, want it, reach for it
but do not need it.
didn't need it, will not need it, and we do not
and yet we speak to blenders as though they
were nothing but little girls in blue socks,
tapping our calls and failing to report all the minor details that make all the difference.