mercredi, janvier 10, 2007

why does the song go, "tell me sweet little lies?" lies ain't sweet at all!

Currently listening to: Yo La Tengo - "My Little Corner of the World"

"So, tell me: in an ideal world, what would you do with your major?"

I lied.
"Uh, well, I like teaching..."

In an ideal world, I would research the languages of Australian aboriginal tribes, and I would run a coffee shop on the side.
And by on the side, I mean both that it would serve as another means of support and that it would be on the oceanside. I would sing and play my mandolin at night and toward 2:31 a.m. I would extract my telescope from its case and skywatch until I fainted with satisfied exhaustion.

That's really what I would do with my major, in an ideal world.

Why did I lie? Because she works in the real world in a very real organization?
... really, why did I?