As of late
I've been fiddling with the idea of changing directions in blog-writing.
The initial purpose of the blog was to create a space in which to organize some very confusing teenage thoughts (angst?), some channeling of extra energy through somewhat expressive linguistic means.
Eventually the blog took on a project-like shape-- an appropriation of language; a selfish and unbound license to do whatever I darn right pleased with language as I knew it, completely abandoning the reader to his/her interpretations of ... stuff (is this why no one ever comments?). Y'know, to escape the harsh realities of the academic paper, in which there needs to be a 1:1 mapping between form and meaning (or at least you'd better define one) unless you want to appear as though you're BS'ing (and boy, are those Reed profs. good at detecting work that took less than several crises to produce).
It may be fun to start discussing matters of linguistics or to voice opinions on several random issues-- or to further explore them. Hm. We'll see. Right, I'm supposed to be researching things. Right, right.
The initial purpose of the blog was to create a space in which to organize some very confusing teenage thoughts (angst?), some channeling of extra energy through somewhat expressive linguistic means.
Eventually the blog took on a project-like shape-- an appropriation of language; a selfish and unbound license to do whatever I darn right pleased with language as I knew it, completely abandoning the reader to his/her interpretations of ... stuff (is this why no one ever comments?). Y'know, to escape the harsh realities of the academic paper, in which there needs to be a 1:1 mapping between form and meaning (or at least you'd better define one) unless you want to appear as though you're BS'ing (and boy, are those Reed profs. good at detecting work that took less than several crises to produce).
It may be fun to start discussing matters of linguistics or to voice opinions on several random issues-- or to further explore them. Hm. We'll see. Right, I'm supposed to be researching things. Right, right.
stick it to the man!